Services Request Form

Services Request Form

We'd love to work with you!

Habits for Hope is hard at work planning our roster of workshops and coaching programs.

Fill out the form below and be the first to know when services that match your needs and interests become available.

Looking to volunteer instead? Check out our Volunteer Application Form. 

    Which of our services are you interested in? Check all that apply.*Attending a Habits for Hope workshopSigning up for a Habits for Hope health coaching programPartnering with Habits for Hope to bring a workshop or program to your organization or groupOther (describe below)

    For services mentioned above, would you prefer:*Virtual offerings only (e.g., Zoom video conferencing)On-location events only (as social distancing allows)No preference

    Thank you!

    To stay informed of the latest happenings at Habits for Hope, follow us on Facebook or sign up for our newsletter once you’ve submitted this form.

    Reinforcing recovery, one habit at a time.